quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Record Number Attacks by Swedish Patriots

Swedish patriots are burning down kalergi hordes centers at the rate of one every two days
So far in October, some eleven attacks have been reported, while last month, no less than twenty such attacks took place. These are only the ones that the controlled media is daring to report.
The latest attack—in the municipality of Danderyd, took place on Wednesday night, October 28,the Aftonbladet newspaper reported.  The attack took place less than two days after the local authorities announced that a kindergarten in the town would be converted into “refugee accommodation.”
On Wednesday evening, October 28, another “asylum center” in Tjornarp, Skåne county, southern Sweden was firebombed

October 24: A building in Eskilstuna, used as invader accommodation, is ravaged by fire. Police confirm arson.

In addition, the Anti-Swedish zog-police have said that they will start “protecting” kalergi hordes centers by helicopter.
Sweden patriots sent a clear message:
No to parasits.
No to rapists.
No to pedophiles.
No to Kalergi plan."

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