segunda-feira, 10 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Red Bull Boss Slams Mass Migration, Forced Multiculturalism in Europe

In a rare interview, Red Bull boss and Austria’s richest man Dietrich Mateschitz has slammed mass migration and political correctness, warning they threaten to destroy Europe’s true cultural diversity.

Speaking to Kleine Zeitung, the Formula 1 investor called the decision of key politicians to open the borders — which resulted in Europe’s migration crisis — “unpardonable”, noting that “if a company were to make mistakes on the same scale, it would have gone broke”.

Highlighting the “hypocrisies” of what he called the “refugees welcome brigade” with regards to migration, Mateschitz said: “I am talking about the fact that none of the people shouting ‘refugees welcome’ or [Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famous phrase] ‘we can do it’ were preparing their own guest rooms or tents in their gardens to accommodate half a dozen migrants.

“Even then it was clear to everyone that most of the people [arriving in the continent] did not correspond to the definition of the refugee. In any case, not the Geneva Convention”. 
Of political correctness, Mateschitz said: “It seems that no one dares to tell the truth, even if everyone knows what the truth is.”

“The elites want citizens to be frightened, and easily manipulated,” he added.

The Red Bull founder said he sees numerous problems plaguing the European Union (EU), the architects of whom he fingered as belonging to a “so-called intellectual elite” with nothing to contribute to the continent.
“Policies which are steeped in political correctness have been imposed in the name of a self-proclaimed, so-called intellectual elite who have nothing to contribute to our country neither economically nor culturally...” he said."

Notas pessoais:

É sempre de louvar quando pessoas famosas têm a coragem de falar verdade.
Pena que mais pessoas famosas não o façam, apesar de muitas delas terem o luxo de terem independência financeira para o fazer; mas nem mesmo assim o fazem...

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