sábado, 23 de setembro de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Antifa rhetoric: We need better computers, better cars, better planes, better trains, more jobs, better salaries, etc... That's what "progress" is all about.

Also antifa rhetoric: We need a substantial drop-out of national IQ level. Doesn't matter if that compromises ALL of that I wished before... Doesn't matter that Aryans are precisely the majority of cientists, inventors and
high-quality builders... Doesn't matter that investiments costs money, and the creation of wealth and prosperity is linked to high inteligence, high creativity and a sense of belonging(wich is highly manifested only by natives) which creates a sense of national purpose; which leads to the ambition of perfection and rejection of corruption.
Facts are racists, and you are a racist.
And the fact that it is me who precisely advocates genocide of your race, doesn't make me a racist; because that conclusion is guided by logic, and logic is also racist. Everyone and everything I don't like is racist."
-Radical Nationalism

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