terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Six Syrian(?) 'ISIS plotters' are arrested in Germany over plan to attack Christmas market on the anniversary of Berlin atrocity

  • Suspects held after raids in the towns of Kassel, Hannover, Essen and Leipzig
  • 500 officers were involved as six Syrian men were arrested during flat raids
  • Reports they were plotting to attack Essen Christmas market on December 19
  • On same date in 2016, muslims murdered 12 by driving truck into Berlin revellers

  • German police have arrested six alleged ISIS plotters amid fears they were planning an attack on a Christmas market on the anniversary of last year's atrocity in Berlin.
    The Syrian men were arrested during raids involving 500 officers in the towns of Kassel, Hannover, Essen and Leipzig.
    Prosecutors say they were plotting a co-ordinated attack using 'weapons and explosives'.

    There are reports the target may have been a Christmas market in the north western town of Essen on December 19, but this has not been confirmed by authorities.
    On the same date last year, Tunisian ISIS fanatic Anis Amri hijacked a truck to murder 12 revellers at the packed Breitscheidplatz Christmas market.

    In December last year, 12 were murdered when an ISIS fanatic ploughed a lorry through Berlin's Breitscheidplatz Christmas market."

    Notas pessoais:

    Este tipo de merdas não dá precisamente razão aos Nacionalistas radicais Polacos; que foram recentemente tão e tão criticados pelos mainstream mé(r)dia por essa Europa fora? Hum, hum?

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