terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015

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"Capitalism and Marxism with its derivatives - is, in fact, the twin brothers who rebelled against the natural world order based on the principles of nature, killing the racial and ethnic foundations of nations, which leads to the depersonalization of man ascending the herd instinct, degeneration, moral decline, and intellectual weakness loss of will. All the notorious confrontation between capitalism and communism - in fact nothing more than a theatrical performance, designed to distract people from the national idea, redirecting their energies on mutual destruction by the "class struggle", thus weakening them and causing a parasitic power of big capital, striving for world domination above the mass of pseudo-people deprived of racial and ethnic uniqueness, intelligence, willpower and creativity, designed for rough and dirty work on a handful of oligarchs oppressors.

 Through false media and intelligence agencies criminal oligarchic regimes imposes chimerical idea of ​​multiculturalism and tolerance by suppressing any manifestation of national feeling among Europeans, seeking the destruction of European national identity, which will mean the actual destruction of European Aryan race.

MD stands on a solid foundation of cultural and racial unity of European Aryan race and has a clear and consistent program of building the future of society - a society of social justice and national freedom.

Join the ranks of the MD - marching with us, bringing echoes coming Victory!"

Entretanto na babilônia moderna(eua sob ocupação sionista)...

"If you import third world people, you import third world problems."

-Aryan proverb
 Os senhores polícias que continuem achar que o problema são os "Nazis", Fascistas, e Patriotas em geral...

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes."
-jew israel cohen

 "Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
-Benito Mussolini

"If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy’s religion, you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed."
– Polydoros of Sparta 

"The judaization of America will turn our country in a third world jungle in next years.
-William Pierce.

Os Negros estão a protestar contra o (pseudo)racismo, partindo e roubando lojas de comerciantes(algumas delas que até pertencem a Negros) inocentes, percebem?

E porque não roubar mulheres inocentes sob o pretexto da luta anti-(pseudo)racista?
É fartar vilanagem...

Resultado de imagem para black lives matter
"Black lives matter" é um slogan legítimo.
"Aryan lives matter" é já um slogan racista, percebem?
Ah, e chamar preto a um preto é racismo também, mas "black lives matter" e "black power"...

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2015

Paleowolf - Hunter


"From this democratic prison i want to escape,
In the forest true freedom i want to embrace,
My mind and my soul are asking for blood to be spill,
Scum of society i desire to hunt, noble predator i wish to become,
If i cannot kill, i will become ill...
Let me hunt, let me kill."

Hold Fast - Walking Dead

Kiborg - Rabble - Your Freedom



NS vs democracy Part 4

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"Antiglobalism - a strategy of resistance and survival of a national communities around the world, based on the denial of the phenomenon of globalization as anti-human and in its essence and anti-people in its form. Globalization - a ruthless war of the rich against the poor, the exploiters against the oppressed, cosmopolitans against nationalists, parasites against workers. A large transnational capital is the main exploiter now, cosmopolitan in its phenomenological and anthropological terms. In practice, this means that in any country where the normal people are honestly earn their living with their work, by a strange coincidence, hairy capitalists of certain nationality are using the results of their work in a cynical way. The current situation in the world has resulted to the fact that the bastards are leading the uninterrupted struggle for the destruction of normal people, which passes through the boundary line of the nations, classes and races."

sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

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"When the time comes; we will not ask if you swing to the right or if you swing to the left, we will just hang you by the neck."
-Radical Nationalism

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"The Jews belong to a repulsive force. We know how large is their click and how they exercise power through their unions.
They are a people of rascals and swindlers."

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"It Takes Nothing To Join The CrowdIt Takes Everything To Stand Alone."
-Aryan proverb

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015

"Em Abril, traições mil..." Provérbio Lusitano.

"Uma nação pode sobreviver aos idiotas e até aos gananciosos. Mas não pode sobreviver à traição gerada dentro de si mesma."


Hymnn - ...A Travers Mon Existence

quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Our misanthropy is nature's way of urging us to fight against the decadence of the modern world. Just as sexual attraction is nature's way of urging her creatures to reproduce. This is Nature's plan."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Neither Capitalism, nor Marxism can solve social distress. Neither can democracy, which is merely political individualism. Capitalism is the economic system, democracy is its political weapon and its expression in politics... 
Only organic thought, which shows the individual his place in the family, in the nation, in the state, in humanity, in the universe, can solve the hopeless contemporary situation. Only the organic idea, which explains man's place in the world: whence he came, why he is here, whither his destiny, which are the means to his fate, only this idea can discover the way and find the ideal."
-Dimitrije Ljotić

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The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.

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Arditi - Forging a New Man

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terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2015

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“Even today, National Socialism’s racial thinking has implacable opponents. Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian churches make common cause in this matter … The Christian church, above all the Roman Catholic Church, rejects racial thinking by claiming that “All men are equal before God.”… Why do we find the nonsense about human equality in Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian church? All three are more or less striving for world power. They therefore have to be “international.” They can never accept racial, ethnic, or national ties between people without giving up their goals.”
-Fritz Bennecke

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"For National Socialism the state is a mean to preserve the native race and ethnicity, to improve the man, it is an organic instrument created by man for man. The National Socialist state conception exists only while the people accept it, for it exists for them. It’s the different human races and ethnicities that create the culture, values and civilization. The state only preserves and cooperates in its progress. The state is an administrative and political aplication of a number of values developed naturally over time by the people".

Les Brigandes - Antifa. Subtitles: English , French, German.

segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015

Democracia, o pesadelo para as mulheres Gaulesas.

"If you import third world people, you import third world problems."
-Aryan proverb
Resultado de imagem para WOMAN RAPPED SWEDEN
"Parisians are calling on the government to combat sexual harassment on public transport after a poll shows that 100 per cent of the women said they experienced at least one incident.
Resultado de imagem para metro em paris
Shocking results show that each of the 600 women surveyed said that they were subjected to sexually-motivated abuse by strangers on trains and the Metro at some point in their lives, according to news website The Local."

Notas pessoais:

Ora é precisamente o governo anti-Gaulês o responsável por tal situação.
O problema de fundo obviamente é o regime anti-nativo e anti-nacional, e não o governo a), b), ou c) .

Mais uma vez, as mulheres Arianas(a par dos idosos e crianças) são as primeiras a sofrer na carne as consequências da merdocracia.


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