terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"When a male cannot compete with another male intellectually, he opts for the physical; when a male cannot compete with another male physically, he opts for the intellectual; when a male cannot compete with another male in either way, he proposes democracy, because in democracy they will have equal value. Democracy is therefore the system of the cowards and worthless, the system that can provide always a tie and never a defeat, no matter how inferior you are."

Mensagem+Vídeos do dia.

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.
Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.
B4U-Act  calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”
In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from  childhood sexual abuse experiences.”
Earlier this year two psychologists in Canada declared that pedophilia is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality or heterosexuality.
Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”
He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation.

Linda Harvey, of Mission America, said the push for pedophiles to have equal rights will become more and more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves. “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages; to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction.”
Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”
Resultado de imagem para rapist pedophile
Notas pessoais:
Só quem é mesmo muito muito muito ingénuo, é que não previa isto.
O lobby pedófilo sempre operou por detrás do lobby gay, e obviamente não iria inicialmente defender direitos pedófilos sobre o resto da sociedade, porque a subversão tem que ser gradual.
Primeira usaria o movimento gay como "cavalo de troia", para depois sim, atingir os seus objectivos dementes, nefastos e aberracionais.

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." 
-Alexis Carrel

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"In democracy, there's no limits to degeneracy."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Honour your ancestors. They fought and died so that you may live today, frequently protecting Europa from foreign invaders. Honour them by striving to be the best person you can - be noble, be loving, but also be brave and strong. Protect your people, culture and way of life. What would our ancestors do?
Europa is calling."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The legitimacy of a power cannot be summarized as the observation of eminently variable written laws or to the consent of the masses obtained by the psychological pressure of propaganda. A power is legitimate when observes the rights of the Nation, its unwritten laws revealed by history.
A power is illegitimate when departs from the national destiny and destroys the national realities. Then legitimacy belongs to those who struggle to restore the rights of the Nation. A lucid minority, that will form the revolutionary elite on which the future rests."
-Dominique Venner

Kamaedzitca (Камаедзiца) - Straight Edge Belarus

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"A nation is created by families, a religion, a tradition: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children."
-Kaiser Wilhelm II

domingo, 28 de junho de 2015

Brainwash - Glorious Soldiers

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Numa democracia, os heróis são chamados de vilões, e os covardes e traidores, são chamados de heróis.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"When has there ever been such a fruitful relationship between a people and its leader, and vice versa?
People of other countries see their leaders as the representatives of class interests, of parliamentary majorities more or less cleverly constructed, as necessary evils in the absence of a better alternative, or as the result of blind mass terror that stands upon millions of corpses.
For us, the Führer is the spokesman and the agent of the will of the whole nation. Despite all the prophecies of the enemy, there has not been a single case, from the beginning of the war until today, in which a soldier broke his oath to the Führer or in which a worker in the home front renounced his loyalty to the Führer by ceasing his labors.
We know that the enemy is unable to understand this, and attributes it to force or violence. But what we as a people and leadership have accomplished cannot be brought about by such methods. Other forces must be at work, forces of loyalty and community that cannot be understood by people who are unable to perceive them. That which we sowed before the war begun has grown to fruition: the rich harvest of solidarity between the leadership and the whole people."
-Joseph Goebbels

Mensagem do dia.

Endles Struggle - Voice of the Family (Lyrics in the Description)

Mensagem do dia.

sábado, 27 de junho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

« The Christian concept of a god — the god as the patron of the sick, the god as a spinner of cobwebs, the god as a spirit — is one of the most corrupt concepts that has ever been set up in the world: it probably touches low-water mark in the ebbing evolution of the god-type. God degenerated into the contradiction of life. Instead of being its transfiguration and eternal Yea! In him war is declared on life, on nature, on the will to live! God becomes the formula for every slander upon the “here and now,” and for every lie about the “beyond”! In him nothingness is deified, and the will to nothingness is made holy!... »

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"There are people of Nordic/Germanic blood who are intelligent enough not only to believe, but to know, that their God is Odin/Wotan and not the Cristhian God."
-Carl Jung

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"American Civilisation The recently deceased John Dewey was applauded by the American press as the most representative figure of American civilisation. This is quite right. His theories are entirely representative of the vision of man and life which is the premise of Americanism and its 'democracy'. The essence of such theories is this: that everyone can become what he wants to, within the limits of the technological means at his disposal. Equally, a person is not what he is from his true nature and there is no real difference between people, only differences in qualifications. According to this theory anyone can be anyone he wants to be if he knows how to train himself. This is obviously the case with the 'self-made man'; in a society which has lost all sense of tradition the notion of personal aggrandisement will extend into every aspect of human existence, reinforcing the egalitarian doctrine of pure democracy. If the basis of such ideas is accepted, then all natural diversity has to be abandoned. Each person can presume to possess the potential of everyone else and the terms 'superior' and 'inferior' lose their meaning; every notion of distance and respect loses meaning; all life-styles are open to all. To all organic conceptions of life Americans oppose a mechanistic conception. In a society which has 'started from scratch', everything has the characteristic of being fabricated. In American society appearances are masks not faces. At the same time, proponents of the American way of life are hostile to personality." -Julius Evola

Sóbrios, orgulhosos e perigosos!

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"I am shocked by the indifference of the masses. One gets the impression that our citizens are living in some stinking delirious and are half asleep in their humility. They have already reached the animal status of so-called "voluntary prisoners"."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The love for nature, is indicator of a higher spirituality."

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Muhamed's comment while raping twelve-year-old Ida: "Black dick is expensive" – gets away with 22 days of community service.

Last November a Somali immigrant brutally raped a 12-year-old girl in Sundsvall, Sweden. This Wednesday he was found guilty of child rape – but got away with a meagre 180 hours of community service. After Fria Tider reported on the case earlier this week it has stirred a public outcry, but the prosecutor said the verdict did not surprise her.
"There is nothing shocking or surprising," she told Fria Tider after the ruling was issued.

The ruling from the district court states that he repeatedly punched her in the face and held his hand over her mouth during the rape. According to the court he also kept repeating the words "black dick is expensive" over and over while raping the girl.
After the brutal rape, Ida, according to the court's findings, "bled profusely from her genitalia". She suffered "both physical and psychological" injuries as a result of the abuse."

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2015


Corte populacional em número de milhões, sangue por todo lado, mão divina arranca milhões de corações, fogo por todos cantos espalhado, castigo divino atinge o Ocidente, pois este virou costas aos Deuses e se tornou assim reino insolente e decadente...

Milhões de paneleiros, travestis e pedófilos a serem mortos sem qualquer tipo de perdão, a noite traz justiça divina no meio da escuridão, gritos e mais gritos por clemência todos em vão, sangue sub-humano jorrado é como tinta que pinta de vermelho o chão...

Não há impressões digitais, dna, pistas ou sinais...
Hécate eterna parceira,
Minha assassina imperial,
Mata toda essa corja inteira,
E traz de volta tua moral.

Willoos - Wending I

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"US Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage Contrywide
A 5-4 decision delivered by the US Supreme Court on Friday has established that same-sex couples have the right to marry in all 50 states, effectively ending state-level bans on gay marriage across the country."
Notas pessoais:
O homem(?) democrático, continua achar que pode através de leis(imorais e irracionais) feitas por ele, ir contra as leis da natureza e contra as leis divinas.
O tombo vai ser grande...

Mensagem do dia.

Notícia+Vídeo+Imagens do dia.

 "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within."

"Atentado terrorista em França. Um homem decapitado e dois feridos

Uma explosão feriu duas pessoas numa fábrica de gás perto de Lyon. Foi encontrado o corpo e a cabeça de um homem nas proximidades. Suspeito tinha bandeira jihadista."
Notas pessoais:
A imigração muçulmana para dentro de França foi/é a CONSEQUÊNCIA da política judaico-maçônica, esta sim o PROBLEMA.

Ora o problema não se pode apresentar como solução.

Nacionalismo Gaulês=Solução

Shadowland - New Worlds In My Dreams (2015)

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"If you still find democracy a healthy type of government, then you're part of the problem."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The utter naivety of patriotards who want a war with the Muslims, but not the other invaders (especially the invaders who brought the Muslims here). Who benefits from European peoples being at war with Islamic peoples? A rhetorical question but it certainly isn't us. 
I don't want Muslims here either - I know they have world domination on the mind. But without the help of another group that have world domination on the mind (the Jew), the Muslims are unable to achieve their goal - however, the Jew has almost achieved their goal, mostly due to them constantly playing non-Jews against one another.
Patriotards refer to how many Muslims are in Parliament and other positions of power; truth is, they're represented pretty proportionally - the Jew is over-represented a massive amount when it comes to holding positions of power.
The only war we should be wanting to fight is the war to remove ALL of the invaders at home, not a war exclusively against Muslims, both at home and abroad."

quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2015

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Precisamos de gente de verdadeiro valor.
De gente que não esteja portanto comprometida com este regime anti-nacional.

Já basta de pseudo-patriotas que acham "dissidência" receber dinheiro da cia e/ou do kgb para servir os superiores interesses de países não-nacionais enquanto traíam à cara podre o seu próprio país, os seus próprios camaradas, e o seu próprio povo(seja o da altura, sejam as futuras gerações que se seguiram), e ainda têm a suprema lata de falar em "Patriotismo".

Já basta de pseudo-patriotas que durante anos andaram a reboque dos agiotas, e vêm agora falar em "Patriotismo".

Já basta de pseudo-patriotas que andam há anos de braço dado com separatistas que durante décadas mais não fizeram que semear o ódio e a discórdia entre o povo Português nativo, e vêm agora falar em "Patriotismo".

Já basta de pseudo-patriotas que durante décadas mais não fizeram do que lamber o cu a quem traia e roubava a Nação à cara podre, tudo para poderem andarem no "hall of fame"e na festa do croquete, e vêm agora falar em "Patriotismo".

Não pode haver misturas com esse tipo de "gente"...
Esses pseudo-patriotas e os políticos, estão bem uns para os outros.
Só muda a capa, o interior é o mesmo.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

The new man is still evolving. Indeed, he is not yet visible to everyone, for he does not come from the noisy center which constantly attracts the attention of the crowd, but from the quiet periphery. Every new force that is designed to topple an age, which has run its course comes from the periphery of that age with all its dominant values and pseudo-values. It is in the moments of great crisis in the emergence of the new that the “outsiders” take on their special function of forming the nucleus of a new center around which the coming world will henceforth order itself.
-E. Gunther Grundel

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"It is possible to keep a distance from everything that has only a human and especially subjectivist character; to feel contempt for bourgeois conformism and its petty selfishness and moralism; to embody the style of an impersonal activity; to prefer what is essential and real in a higher sense, free from the trappings of sentimentalism and from pseudo-intellectual super-structures—and yet all this must be done remaining upright, feeling the presence in life of that which leads beyond life, drawing from it precise norms of behavior and action."
-Julius Evola

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

É bom que comeces a ser possessivo em relação àquilo que afirmas amar, caso contrário, um dia destes acordas, e aquilo que pensavas que era teu, já não é mais teu e sim do teu inimigo.

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

A mulher Ariana Nacional - Socialista, tem que ter a sagrada missão de não deixar que seus filhos e filhas, sejam educados(as) pelo inimigo.

quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

O engodo democrático.

Todos os dias somos bombardeados com variadas mentiras, desde simples chavões democráticos, até a conceitos (pseudo)filosóficos defendendo a democracia como forma superior de regime.

Dizem-nos por exemplo, que numa democracia reina o estado de direito.
Então se assim é, porque não há ninguém preso ainda pelo crime de traição à Pátria?

Dizem-nos por exemplo, que numa democracia a propriedade privada é respeitada.
Então se assim é, porque continuam as escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais dentro das propriedades privadas dos cidadãos?
Porque razão indemnizações não são pagas às vítimas?

Dizem-nos por exemplo, que numa democracia reina a vontade da maioria.
Então se assim é, porque razão a vontade da maioria não é respeitada, sendo a maioria a abstenção(os que rejeitam a democracia)?
Isto não é uma contradição em termos? Uma forma de regime que se diz representativa da vontade da maioria, ser de facto representativa de uma minoria a impor algo(a democracia como forma de regime) que precisamente é rejeitado pela maioria(os que rejeitam esta forma de regime e todos os seus partidos)?

Dizem-nos por exemplo, que os partidos na assembleia e seus deputados são representativos do povo Português.
Então como é isso possível, se para além da abstenção ser a maioria já, mesmo assim os deputados da assembleia são mais coisa menos coisa 80% deles maçons, mas nem 0,5% do dito povo Português é maçônico?
Onde está a alegada representatividade?

Dizem-nos por exemplo, que numa democracia somos uma Nação soberana.
Então se assim é, porque não temos a nossa própria moeda e o poder de a mandar fazer?
Porque é que a Nação está refém dos agiotas usurários?
Porque razão os Lusitanos(única etnia nativa) são escravos na sua própria Nação de etnias não-nativas(judeus)?
Porque razão os dados de TODOS os Portugueses foram enviados ao nsa americo-sionista?

Ora a democracia não passa de um gigantesco engodo, de uma mega-burla, que é facilmente desmontada pela verdade, razão, e lógica das coisas.

Não se pode portanto defender a Nação e a democracia ao mesmo tempo, pois a democracia ela própria, representa a morte da Nação.
Por isso eu considero todo o democrata um traidor.
À excepção claro, daqueles que defendem a democracia porque continuam a ser enganados sem darem conta, e/ou aqueles que sendo quase retardados mentais, não conseguem perceber as coisas por mais vezes que lhes sejam explicadas e das formas mais básicas possíveis.

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Tanto o machismo, como o feminismo, não passam de engenharias artificiais anti-naturais(independentemente de um ser mais antigo e outro mais recente).
Substancialmente, ambos consideram o sexo rival(até a própria palavra "rival", denota já hostilidade anti-natural) como um alvo a abater, ou então a utilizar por mero prazer niilista.
Ora tudo isso é anti-natural, já que tanto o Homem como a Mulher foram criados para se complementarem, e juntos criarem vida.

No NS Lusitano, não há portanto lugar nem para machismo, nem para feminismo.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.