quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015

Terrorsphära feat Henry8 - Justitia

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"Choose your side."
-Radical Nationalism

Non-Aryan Bragging About Gangraping Little Germanic Girl

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Swiss Army Chief Tells the People to Arm Themselves for possible Race and Ethnic War caused by Kalergi plan.

Swiss army chief André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is on the verge of going all Mad Max and they’d best begin arming themselves to the teeth before all hell breaks loose.

The situation is growing increasingly risky, Blattman begins.

“The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions.”

Blattmann: “Social unrest can not be ruled out”.

“The mixture is increasingly unappetizing” Blattmann sees the basis of Swiss prosperity, “has long been once again called into question.”"

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2015

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Amon Amarth - Thousand Years Of Oppression

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"More than 65 percent of all non-Aryan invaders who entered the Netherlands between 1995 and 1999 are living off the welfare system and not working.
The vast majority are still living on welfare, in housing provided by the Dutch state and taxpayers, ten years after they first invaded Holland.

In addition, the report says, the crime rate among “asylum seekers” in the Netherlands is at least three times higher than the national Dutch average.

The report did not mention that the “Dutch average” is skewed because of the already settled 20 percent(At least) non-Aryan population of the Netherlands who are not counted among the “asylum seekers.”"

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"Since you show such a total disregard for the Laws of Nature why not invent an ideology that denies the existence of gravity too. Then all of you can just jump off a cliff, and at least you will not trouble anyone else when you are smashed against the rocks below."
-Varg Vikernes

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015

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"Choose your side."
-Radical Nationalism

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"Open your eyes! Your time is running out..."
-Radical Nationalism

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"The concept of a "race of the spirit" or tribe is vital to uniting our people. For example, an Aryan nationalist cannot say that he considers someone like a brother, or fellow tribesman, just because they are biologically Aryan like them. Biological race and nationality alone cannot unite a people. It isn't enough, there needs to be something more. This is where the spiritual race or tribe comes in. If one shares with other members of their biological race, certain mental or spiritual traits and characteristics, such as honour, a sense of common purpose, this will unite them. Therefore rather than trying to unite all Aryans, or all members of a nation based on purely common biological racial traits, which will not work, we need to build a new tribe by developing an ethnic religion with its own asceticism, and eventually drawing more and more people to it, and integrating them into the tribe. Biological and spiritual race are inseparable. Our people have lost their heroic spirit, we need to create a new one if we are going to get our people to abandon selfish materialistic pursuits, and start living for a purpose again, to secure a bright future for their race.

Long live the tribes of Arya!"
-Wolf MD

Wuem Enceha - Jeden Na Froncie

terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Não deixa de ser curioso que tenha sido a TVI a lançar o pânico, na semana passada, sobre o hipotético encerramento do BANIF, quando esta estação é propriedade do grupo espanhol PRISA (na qual o PSOE tem uma posição maioritária) e que tem como accionista de referência o Banco Santander, o mesmo que adquiriu, pelo habitual preço de saldo, a posição do Estado no referido Banco."

Notas pessoais:
Não tendo qualquer ligação ao PNR, aqui eles têm 100% de razão.

Mas eu vou mais longe:
Isto só acontece porque os militares e os juízes andam a baixar as calças aos média há décadas.
Isto é uma autêntica república das bananas!

Os média estão acima da lei numa democracia(Daí a propaganda ao regime democrático), e são VÁRIOS e GRAVES os crimes.

E nem me vou repetir muito; já o escrevi várias vezes aqui, e já apresentei queixas nas instalações próprias(PJ).

As escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais continuam(E são vários os média a fazerem), ninguém vai preso, e indemnizações(Cujo valor obviamente não pára de subir à medida que o terrorismo tecnológico diário continua) não são pagas às vítimas.

Sabem os Deuses quais as consequências que irão acontecer devido a tal insolência...

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"Quanto mais te agachas, mais no cu levas."
-Provérbio Lusitano