terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"........(No comments)"
-Radical Nationalism

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Rendas altas e baixos salários estão a fazer aumentar os despejos.
Até setembro, foram despejadas 5,5 famílias por dia. O n.º de despejos pelo Balcão do Arrendamento duplicou desde 2013

Salários baixos e rendas cada vez mais altas estão a deixar muitas famílias portuguesas sem capacidade para pagar as suas casas. No ano passado foram despejadas, através do Balcão Nacional do Arrendamento (BNA), um total de 1931 famílias. É quase o dobro (91,7%) do número de 2013. E só nos primeiros nove meses deste ano já houve 1480 despejos decretados. São 5,5 famílias despejadas por dia, mostram dados cedidos pelo Ministério da Justiça.
O bolo, no entanto, poderá ser três vezes maior porque há cada vez mais processos a correr directamente nos tribunais."

Notas pessoais:

Como podem ver, a "recuperação económica" vai de vento em popa.
Está tudo "porreiro pah"! Sabem quem vai substituir as famílias Lusitanas que andam a ser destruídas pela democracia não sabem?

segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2017

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

A recente notícia "oficial"(eufemismo para "aldrabada") da descida do desemprego para níveis antes da grande crise financeira; é estar a chamar TODOS os Portugueses de macacos.

A impunidade das organizações terroristas eufemisticamente chamadas de "partidos políticos" a juntar à total covardia de muitos militares e juízes a juntar a uma imprensa absolutamente corrupta e até mesmo terrorista, e somando a toda esta tragédia um povo ingénuo, arrogante, e estupidamente crente na merdocracia que não aprende; e pior, não quer aprender; vão levar a que qualquer dia digam que o desemprego está a descer de forma considerável particularmente na região de Pedrógão Grande, e que a economia está a recuperar de forma espectacular devido às exportações de gambozinos.

Isto já atingiu há muito o surrealismo. Mas os dados aldrabados de hoje...não tenho sequer palavras para qualificar esta propaganda democrática governamental de hoje.
Apenas desejo do fundo do coração; uma morte lenta e dolorosa a TODOS que estão a participar nesta FRAUDE.
Mais que mágoa ou tristeza, só tenho lugar para ÓDIO perante o que estão a fazer à minha Nação.

Isto cada dia que passa, bate mais no fundo... E vai sobrar para muitos que andam covardemente com a cabeça enterrada na areia tais quais avestruzes; nem duvidem! 

sábado, 28 de outubro de 2017

Mondfinsternis - Chosen of the Gods

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"........(No comments)"
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Great writer, great storyteller, and best-selling author are not necessarily equivalent."
-Alex Kurtagic‏ 

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Europe today is ruled by a sick, degenerate system of
rat-race materialism, self-fixation, hard-drugs, pollution, miscegenation, filth, jewish-chaos, corruption and insanity. It has alienated us. We are forced to share the ideals of the majority; pushed onto us by corrupt politicians. New laws are being passed which go against the laws of nature. As a European, all the blame for any hardship throughout history and even today, is placed on your shoulders. Interest in your heritage is viewed as blatant racism.

There is a better way of life: That way calls for a rebirth of racial idealism and reverence for the eternal laws of Nature. It involves a new awareness, a new faith, a new way of life—a New Order.

Europe is the home of many different indigenous peoples. Unique peoples with their own culture and way of life which have been practically forgotten today. Shameful when you realise that these men and women toiled and fought for their very right to exist. Never forget that you are a product of their pride, power and resilience.

We believe in the eternal European soul, the guidance of the Gods and the will of those who fight for our heritage."

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

É o álvaro sobrinho que está no VAR? É que parece...
Aqui não há erro humano, nem é um lance para diferentes interpretações; basta pausar e o fora-de-jogo é FACTUAL.
Se o golo não foi invalidado pelo VAR como manda a lei, foi porque não quiseram; e assim sendo isto é um caso de CORRUPÇÃO GRAVE que deve ser investigado pelo Ministério Público e pela PJ.

E não se trata de desviar atenções de coisa nenhuma. O Benfica ontem não jogou um caralho, especialmente a seguir ao golo; nem sequer merecia ter ganho; e já começo a perder a paciência com o Rui Vitória... Mas isso não invalida o FACTO de o $porting andar a ganhar de forma ilegítima e corrupta.

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"France Has Paid Nearly $600,000 in Welfare Benefits to ISIS Jihadis in Syria

You have to give them credit — these Muslim invaders know how to exploit our weakness and scam the system. Imagine French taxpayers funding these killers while Muslim leaders in France whined about “islamophobia.”

Some 20 percent of French Islamic State fighters have been collecting social benefits from France to help finance the terror group, newspaper Le Figaro reported Thursday.
Jihadis have claimed unemployment benefits and family allowance for years while living in Syria. Over the past five years, some 500,000 euros ($583,200) have gone directly from the French taxpayers to the terror group, according to the report.
Investigators have uncovered a scam that involved 420 fraudulent withdrawals by jihadis in 2016 alone. At least 210 people received the money after family members withdrew cash at employment centers across the country.

Other European countries have uncovered similar problems."

Notas pessoais:

O que vale é que numa democracia o Estado é laico...não é essa a narrativa da maçonaria?
A realidade supera a propaganda democrática...
Democracia=Ditadura da mentira.

Mondfinsternis - Under The Banner Of The Sun

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Atheism – a Mistaken World View 

Atheism is a word most Christians cringe at these days. There is an ongoing struggle between Theists (especially Monotheists) and Atheists.

Theism: the belief in God or gods.

Atheism: the lack of belief in God or gods.

Atheism isn’t a belief system, but the lack of one. I will argue it is more dangerous than having one.
Most Atheists come out from a rebellion against Christianity, Islam, or Judaism (Christianity and Islam accounting for most cases). They abandon Abrahamic faiths, which have been forced on peoples and cultures through recent world history. Atheism allows someone to break the chains of these semitic mind-slave cults. It is a good start down a right path, but that’s all it should be.

There are of course flaws in this mind set. With the average Atheist, we can note that the world view becomes an unhealthy mix of Arrogance and Materialism.

With arrogance comes the idea that as mankind “grows up”, it puts away 'childish' things such as gods. This builds the idea that they are ahead of everyone. It builds ego in a way. And let us not forget, arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand. These people never learn what a god really is, they only understand what the Abrahamic sense of a god is.

The second thing is Materialism. After figuring out there isn’t an afterlife (at least in the Abrahamic sense) they are brought to the conclusion that this is all the time they have. They must live for the here and now. This may be a good thing, but with modern society’s nurture this becomes bad. Life becomes only about pleasure seeking and self indulgence. Many turn to Capitalist or Marxist mindsets, and have no sense of Idealism. Actually the Marxist tendency prevails among more Atheists than Capitalism.

Most importantly, Atheism is a product of Cultural Marxism. Atheism enforces Egalitarianism, because there are no gods of individual groups of people. It breaks down the borders between people and takes their individual collective soul. Cultural Marxism has used Atheism to break down society just like homosexuality, feminism, etc.

The job of atheists is to destroy the religious traditions of a society. Why?
Religion provides social cohesion, stability, unity, a moral code, and provides a spiritual subconscious expression of the people. Religion can create Idealism and social collaboration, because it makes the people spirituality connected.

Atheism lacks belief in the spiritual, is quite often amoral and lacks idealism. Atheism replaces these with
bad-Individuality and Materialism. This degenerates and destroys a society.

Does going against atheism to preserve spirituality throw out science and philosophy? No, although Atheism does go against human nature.
Spirituality, scientific or not, is part of the human psyche, just as much as reason is. There is a reason why peoples and nations have gods and heroes. And there is a reason why those shouldn’t be taken away.
Atheists often argue that gods of a culture exactly match the culture they belong to, as if the gods are just a manifestation of the culture. Well, that is because they are.
The Gods and heroes are spiritual manifestations of a human society, they are part of the collective soul – their collective conscious. This is especially the case in native religions.

That is why Mars was the patron of Rome. Mars was disciplined, strong, intelligent, and high willed. This reflects the Roman Legion exactly. Or the Spartans claiming ancestry to Hercules. Like him, they desired to be strong, fit, high willed, and overcome the impossible. He was part of them, their soul as a people. Even in the North with Sigurd the dragon slayer, with the Germanic people.

We also see this with YHWH, the Jewish god. He is a blood thirsty tyrant, just like the people who worship him. We see this in their biblical accounts, and with the psychotic modern state of Israel today. YHWH is their collective consciousness. 

Although when Christianity was brought into Europe, Europe molded Christianity into a different image. That is why Traditional Christianity is so different from 'European' Christianity, because Christianity is not our native religion. It was mixed with Pagan customs and beliefs.

Spirituality does not mean the lack of intelligence. It was the Pagan Greeks and Romans who invented Science and Philosophy. It was Pagans in those days who created amazing headway into Art, Theater, Music, Architecture, Learning, etc.

The question is not whether or not religion is the problem, it is what is the purpose of this religion? To bring out the spirit of a people? Or to suppress it in submission to please a fictional god? Atheism rejects religion, therefore doing no better than the latter idea of religion. The people’s spirit can not be expressed, because (to them) the “spirit” doesn’t exist.

So in conclusion, Atheism is a Cultural Marxist tool for the further destruction of society. Atheism is on the decline, and on the rise is Nationalism and Native Spirituality. The Collective European Soul is awakening, and we will not need Atheism to combat these mind-slave faiths, that suppress our reason, and force us to blindly believe ridiculous claims. No longer will we be part of this slave morality of Christianity, but also not of the amorality of Atheism."