quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2018
Mensagem+Imagem do dia.
“Today we fight for the future of the German people, tomorrow for the future of our Aryan race.”
-Adolf Hitler
-Adolf Hitler
Mensagem+Imagem do dia.
"Chicago has announced that CityKey cards, designed for illegal aliens, can be used for voter registration. In other words, non-citizen illegals will be able to vote in Chicago, including in federal elections. That's illegal. But the city is encouraging it."
-Tucker Carlson
terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2018
Mensagem+Imagens do dia.
"Loss of beauty, and contempt for the pursuit of it, is one step on the way to a new form of human life, in which taking replaces giving, and vague lusts replace real loves."
-Roger Scruton: The High Cost of Ignoring Beauty
Notícia+Imagens do dia.
"Illegal Alien Kidnapped 16-Year-Old Girl, Kept Her As Sex Slave
February 26, 2018
SALUDA COUNTY, SC (Breitbart) – A teen girl who is in the U.S. illegally and disappeared from Kentucky in December was discovered in South Carolina being held as a sex slave by another illegal immigrant, police say.
Police in Saluda County, South Carolina, discovered the girl confined in the bedroom of 24-year-old Florencio Gomez Saiche after a tipster told authorities that the 16-year-old missing teen was being held there, WIS Channel 10 reported.
Investigators said that the kidnapped girl had been able to contact family members through social media apps when her kidnapper was not looking or was out of the home.
Police say that they have suspicions that the teen never tried to contact police about her whereabouts because she is also an illegal alien.
When police confronted Saiche about the missing girl, he denied knowing her. But a search of his mobile home proved the lie to the claim.
Police say that they have suspicions that the teen never tried to contact police about her whereabouts because she is also an illegal alien.
When police confronted Saiche about the missing girl, he denied knowing her. But a search of his mobile home proved the lie to the claim.
Remember that could be your daughter."
Notícia+Imagens do dia.
The Irish government has been slammed for paying journalists to write good news stories about Project Ireland 2040.
Unveiled by the government last week with a commitment to spend €116 billion, the document outlines plans to boost the Irish nation’s 4.7 million population by another million using mass migration.
The government’s strategic communications unit paid for sponsored “news pieces” to appear in national and regional newspapers promoting Ireland 2040, which “could not include negative or critical content”, The Times reported on Friday.
Project Ireland 2040 is nothing more than a globalist programme - The Kalergi Plan - to replace the native population."
Mensagem+Imagem do dia.
"At the very moment when universities are advocating diversity as a fundamental academic value, the true diversity for which a university should make a stand, namely diversity of opinion, has been steadily eroded and in many places destroyed entirely."
-Roger Scruton
Mensagem+Imagem do dia.
"Militant Zone: Freedom for Political Prisoners t-shirts
Quite often strong political convictions and militancy result in direct conflict with oppressive authorities leading many brave souls to prison. “Freedom for political prisoners” t-shirt is a dedication to all those who were put behind the bars fighting for our common cause.
Available to order online: http://militant.zone/category/merch/(collected funds go to support those in need)."
-Militant Zone
segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2018
Pensamento+Imagens do dia.
Imaginemos um copo com água.
Imaginemos um frasco com sal.
Imaginemos que acrescentamos sal ao copo com água.
Qual vai ser o resultado final?
A) A água vai ficar na mesma.
B) A água vai ficar mais doce.
C) A água vai ficar mais salgada, e quanto mais sal se juntar à mesma, cada vez mais salgada ficará.
Qualquer pessoa de inteligência mediana e até mesmo mediana/medíocre sabe que a resposta correcta é a "C".
Agora imaginemos uma sociedade de Primeiro Mundo.
Imaginemos pessoas do Terceiro Mundo.
Imaginemos que acrescentamos pessoas do Terceiro Mundo à sociedade de Primeiro Mundo.
Qual vai ser o resultado final?
A) A sociedade de Primeiro Mundo permanece igual.
B) A sociedade de Primeiro Mundo melhora imenso.
C) A sociedade de Primeiro Mundo piora imenso, e quanto mais gente do Terceiro Mundo importar mais vai piorar.
É assim tão difícil perceber o quanto o multiculturalismo e multirracialismo é nefasto para a sociedade Nativa?