sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"That the lambs feel anger towards the great birds of prey does not strike us as odd: but that is no reason for holding it against the great birds of prey that they snatch up little lambs for themselves. And when the lambs say amongst themselves "these birds of prey are evil; and whosoever is as little as possible a bird of prey but rather its opposite, a lamb – isn't he good?" there is nothing to criticise in this setting up of an ideal, even if the birds of prey should look on this a little mockingly ...
To demand of strength that it not express itself as strength ... is just as nonsensical as to demand of weakness that it express itself as strength."
– Nietzsche
Foto: 'That the lambs feel anger towards the great birds of prey does not strike us as odd: but that is no reason for holding it against the great birds of prey that they snatch up little lambs for themselves. And when the lambs say amongst themselves "these birds of prey are evil; and whosoever is as little as possible a bird of prey but rather its opposite, a lamb – isn't he good?" there is nothing to criticise in this setting up of an ideal, even if the birds of prey should look on this a little mockingly ... 
To demand of strength that it not express itself as strength ... is just as nonsensical as to demand of weakness that it express itself as strength.'

– Nietzsche

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