quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The streets are full of dregs of humanity, at least full of bastards and of sub-men. One only has to look at the faces one sees in the overcrowded buses, or in the cinemas and dancing halls and cafes in large towns, nay even in small ones, even in the countryside, everywhere. It is a pitiful sight; a pitiful world; a world up-side-down; a world in which the average cat or dog is, as such, immeasurably healthier, more beautiful—more perfect—than the average man or woman and a fortiori than the average post-1945 state ruler; nearer to the ideal archetype of his species than most present-day human beings and especially than the official (and the hidden) leaders of the present-day “free world”—President Eisenhower (or rather, Mr. Baruch), Churchill, Mendès-France, etc. (let alone their most obedient servants Konrad Adenauer, Theodor Heuss, and Co.)—ever were to the ideal archetype of man, God’s masterpiece."
- Savitri Devi

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