quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"It's time to stop being spectators, to stop listening to the hypocritical cant of the liberals and the mindless ramblings of the conservatives. It's time to base everything -- everything -- on the proposition that we must survive, our people must survive. If a policy strengthens our people, if it increases the survivability of our people, it is a good policy. If it weakens us or puts us at a disadvantage in the struggle for survival, it is a bad policy. That's all that matters. That's all that we should consider.
 Racial survival, racial victory in the struggle for life and dominance, must be the goal of every plan, of every policy, of every thought and action. Tribal thinking.

We used to understand that, back before television. Everyone understood it who survived. The jews still understand it. We'd better learn it again -- soon."
-William Pierce

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