segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"The defects of political democracy as a system of government are so obvious, and have been cataloged so often, we do not need more than summarize them here. Political democracy has been criticized because it leads to inefficiency and direction of weakness, because it allows less desirable men get power because fosters corruption.
 The inefficiency and weakness of political democracy become more apparent in times of crisis when you need to take and fulfill decisions quickly. Ascertain and record the wishes of many millions of voters in a few hours is a physical impossibility. So It follows that, in a crisis, one of two things has to happen: either the rulers decide to present the fait accompli of its decision to voters - in which case the whole principle of political democracy have been treated with contempt in critical circumstances it deserves; or else the people are consulted and you lose time, often with fatal consequences.
During the war all the warring parties adopted the first path. Political democracy was temporarily abolished throughout the past. A system of government that needs to be abolished every time comes a danger, it can hardly be described as a perfect system."
-Aldous Huxley

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