domingo, 11 de outubro de 2015

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Denmark: Muslims Surround and Beat 23year Girl.

Just another victim of kalergian plan to destroy Denmark

 A crowd of moderate Quran obeying Muslims Punched, Kicked and Stoned young  Danish woman Sara Illum Lund-Jensen, and after beating her dog also, threw them both into the lake to drown.

First the muslims asked questions about the dogs race and age, but suddenly it changed to anger.

- One began to kick my dog , which made me really mad. Then one of them threw a stone at us, which touched my dog, says Sara Illum Lund -Jensen.

She says that she tried to protect her dog against the aggressive boys. This brought herself in the firing line.

- They knocked me to the ground and started kicking me and roll me into the lake. I was lying there along with my dog, while they threw several stones at us."

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