terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Prague Rapefugee Center Fire-Bombed
Police say a group of about 20 unknown attackers set fire to a center that helps rapefugees in Prague on February 6, just hours after thousands of people staged a protest in the Czech capital against kalergi hordes.

The attackers stormed the Klinika center that organized a collection of clothing for rapefugees, and threw Molotov cocktails.

Xenophilic Activists who work at the center, and a former medical clinic in Prague’s Zizkov district, said the attackers were 
Czech patriots by Jus sanguinis.

Czech patriots sent a clear message:
No to parasits.
No to rapists.
No to pedophiles.
No to Kalergi plan."

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