quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Kalergi hordes attacking Calais residents
News of the attacks has been blacked out by the controlled media in France and Britain, but fortunately not in Poland, were RMF 24 has documented the kalergi hordes violence in detail.
According to the radio station, “immigrant groups from the Jungle, armed with crowbars and knives, have started to attack the houses of local inhabitants, city officials had said.
“The so-called refugees have started trying to get inside the houses looking for food and money,” the report continued.

“They have also vandalized cars on the street as residents have been forced to barricade themselves inside their houses.
“The attackers have threatened the residents inside the houses, and even though the police have been called, no one has been arrested.
“The outraged citizens have complained that the immigrants are not being punished for their behavior, and that all this does is cause the situation to continue,” the report added."

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