terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Erika Steinbach, a human rights spokesperson, has been told to resign after she posted a photo on Twitter suggesting that Germany would be minority Aryan by 2030.
The picture shows a crowd of non-Aryan children looking at a lone Aryan child. The capton says Germany 2030” and “Where do you come from?

Ulrich Kelber, a politician for the pseudo-socialist SDP party tweeted “You have — once again — crossed the fine line from right-wing populism to racism. I am sorry for you,

Steinbach responded by tweeting “To all those in denial of reality: more people than you think in Germany are worried that the natives will become a minority,

She told German newspaper, Bild: “That photo was sent to me by a worried father from Frankfurt, whose children only have two other German classmates. He sent that photo with the letter,

When asked if Germany really would become minority Aryan by 2030, she responded “The data indicates so.”"

Notas pessoais:

A inquisição democrática ataca de novo...Falar verdade é "racismo".

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