segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016

Notícia+Imagem do dia.

"Leaked Police Report: ‘Huge Increase’ In Swimming Pool Migrant Sex Assaults Against Children
A leaked internal report from the German city of Düsseldorf has lain bare the rapidly developing child sex crisis in swimming pools, for which so-called ‘refugees’ are often identified as the culprits.
The document, distributed among specialist officers dealing with sex crimes and confirmed to Germany’s Bild newspaper as genuine expresses concern “that sexual offences are recording a huge increase.

“In particular, offences of rape and sexual abuse of children in bathing establishments is significant”.

The document goes on to acknowledge that, despite protests by pro-migrant advocacy groups who have protested vocally against swimming baths closing their doors to ‘refugees’ to protect their regular customers, that “the perpetrators are for the most part immigrants”.

The police admitted catching these criminals because the victims often found it difficult to identify their attackers.

Germany’s Welt reports the remarks of Berthold Schmitt, who manages some 6,000 indoor, outdoor, and school swimming pools across Germany on the migrant sex wave. Remarking on the reasons, as he perceived them for these attacks he said: “The ‘new citizens’, as we call them, have three main problems. They do not speak German, they have no knowledge of German or European bathing culture...

Breitbart London has reported at length on the often shocking sex attacks visited upon locals by migrant guests at baths. One of the latest such attacks just last week in Wörishofen, Bavaria saw a nine-year-old girl allegedly assaulted by a “17-year-old refugee” by “physically abusing the genital area” of the child.

A January report described the horror of staff at a historic Wilhelmine swimming baths where migrants went on a rampage, defecating into the pool, masturbating into the jacuzzi, and sexually assaulting bathers. In other events, a group of girls between 11 and 14 years old were “touched immorally” while swimming by an Afghan male who was later arrested, and in Austria a 10-year-old boy was brutally raped by a migrant who claimed to be experiencing a “sexual emergency” because he hadn’t had sex in four months."

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