terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2016

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"The Four Cornerstones

Four major elements the jews use to control us
All of these areas are interdependent.

They have totally manipulated the way we view ourselves and our self-worth. They have got us into such a state that we no longer know who we are and our real heritage. We literally do not know our true spirits. They (that is organised jewry) have got us into a state of being, that we can only identify ourselves with our transient slave roles: I am a plumber, I am a businessman, I am a teenager, I am retired, I am middle class, I am a Christian, I am ....

None of the roles we identify ourselves with really define ourselves and connect ourselves with our true cultural spirit. They have just been handed to us through groupthink, which we then repeat. 

We can talk about the soul. But if our soul connection is not rooted within our very psyche, our heritage, our soil, our blood; then are we as a race not soulless?

Not being proud or knowledgable of our true identity makes us vulnerable, weak and unstable as individuals; and weak as a collective warrior race. All-by-design.

Next time you’re in town, take a moment to sit on a bench and observe. Do some people-watching and have a look at the mass psychosis of me, me, me mentality. The snatch n grab, the pure unadulterated selfishness. And just look at the way people drive. Just look at the jewish-controlled media and entertainment that is thrown at us – look at the message they are projecting…be selfish, it pays to be a self-server, narcissism is good for society.

And people actually do look up to self-serving people. It matters not that one has trod on others, or done the dirty to get to the top of the pile. Just that they are driven and are successful. A self-made man. These are the qualities one must aspire to be now.

Of course the jews and their lefty/SJW tools have perverted the other extreme of selfishness too, by creating some people in society as ludicrous self-hating pathological altruists. Please come and walk all over me and my lands – we deserve it.

But I am saying selfishness and pathological altruism are not our natural states. Self preservation yes. The jews have and are continously manipulating our minds and souls to be in a constant self-serving mode. For their benefit.

A selfish society = a jew-controlled society.

Obviously directly associated with selfishness, focusing onthings in this life is all part of being a modern day man/woman. This is the true survivalist these days – accumulating lots of stuff. And preferably better stuff than than those around you.

But it’s materialism and perhaps the desire of materialistic things that keeps us trapped inside the jewtrix.

It’s the desire for materialism that causes so much corruption. The carrot alone is enough to get people into a state of cognitive dissonance, to go against their fellow kin. To do the dirty deed for the jew. Scientists, techy people, surveillance, legal teams, debt collectors, police – ad infinitum. All sold out.

It is disgusting to observe how money/materialism can be so easily used to corrupt one’s soul.

Obviously these people are insecure, selfish, malleable materialists. The four cornerstones all tie in.

The jew-installed fear being the mortar that binds this cornerstone.

The gullible goy. This is an area often spoke about in our Cause as far as our frustration. “For fuks sake – why won’t you get it!?” The 2+2=5 mentality. And sadly even the naivety of many in the movement, trusting the main stream media. The trickery of the Chosen ones. You have to hand it to them, they are damn good at it. Or is it that we are just too damn trusting? Whatever, it works a treat for the jews every single time. And they don’t even need to change the formula. Just look at the sloppy levels of deception with all these hoaxes – even some hard core Truthers are believing them.

Again, is this our natural state, or have we been manipulated into this gullible, childlike trusting mindset? I say it’s a combination. The jews have/are poisoning us and obviously have mind controlled us through social engineering from cradle to grave."
-Digger for Truth

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