sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Bloody attacks on Danish girls by immigrant gangs.
Shocking bloody mutilation of young Danish girls: 15-year-old girl was attacked and cut in the face by three young immigrant men.

For the second time in a few days it happened again, reports Lokalavisen: a vile, bloody assault against women.

Last night a 15-year-old girl from Birkerød was assaulted and cut superficially in the face with a sharp object. No more than a few days ago, 17-year-old Emilia (pictured) was subjected to a similar bloody treatment: Her cheek was cut from chin to ear by a a gang of four youths. The vile, bloody assault happened on a path in Hannerup in Fredericia, another place of the country."

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