domingo, 16 de outubro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Muslim gang attack and stab autistic boy after he turned down drugs

Autistic teenager stabbed in the back for turning down drugs

(Brookfield Road, where the attack happened)

Police are appealing for witnesses after a 16-year-old boy was attacked on his way home in Oldbury last week.
The teenager, who has autism, was walking down Brookfields Road on Wednesday 5 October at 00.30am when he was approached by a group of men in a black Vauxhall Corsa.
It’s believed the car was a 2005/2006 model with tinted windows.
The group asked him if he wanted drugs and when he said no, the men, got out of the car.
He attempted to run off but ended up falling over a short distance away. He was assaulted, punched and kicked several times before being stabbed twice in the back."
Resultado de imagem para notícia+imagens do dia kalergi hordes

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