quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Rapefugees sexually assault girls as young as NINE in swimming pool

Police have launched an investigation after a gang of young Syrian(?) asylum-seekers sexually harassed three schoolgirls at their local swimming pool.

The girls - sisters aged 9, 11 and 14 - were surrounded and molested by seven migrants, the youngest of whom was just seven.
The father of the schoolgirls said he had dropped them off at the swimming pool as a treat for the older girl’s 14th birthday.
He said as soon as they started swimming they were harassed by the boys who surrounded them in the pool.

The man said: “Five of the boys touched the girls' breasts and bottoms.” 
He said his 11 year-old daughter managed to get away from the youths and ran to the pool supervisor to ask for help. 

According to local reports, a number of girls have been victims of sexual assault by migrant boys at the same swimming pool in Mariendorf."
Resultado de imagem para notícia+imagens do dia kalergi hordes

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