quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Germany: Muslim opens fire in crowded hair salon, then takes hostage

A muslim opened fire in a crowded hair salon leaving one person with life threatening injuries before barricading himself into a nearby apartment, taking a woman hostage.
Heavily armed police arrived at the scene and discovered one man was already dead and a woman was critically injured – she has been airlifted to hospital.
The shooter, understood to be a 27-year-old Turkish man, is believed to have fired indiscriminately into the bustling hairdressers’ shop in Dueren, Germany.
Witnesses report the gunman entered the salon, shouted at a woman and then opened fire, leading regional police spokesperson Ulrich Braun to say: “This may be a crime of passions.”

Yes, those usually involve opening fire indiscriminately in crowded places, and taking hostages...

German police say the attacker fled the scene and holed himself up in a nearby apartment, taking at least one person hostage.
Emergency services swarmed on the scene and stormed the building where they found one man, believed to be the shooter, dead.
Another woman was severely injured and is currently in intensive care at a nearby hospital.
A Dueren police spokeswoman said: “Shots were reported. A male suspect is in a building complex in the city center and he may have taken a hostage.
“We have no contact with him and are not aware of whether he has any demands.”
Much of Dueren city centre has been cordoned off by police…."
Resultado de imagem para notícia+imagens do dia kalergi hordes
Notas pessoais:

A culpa é do Hitler decerto...
Ou quiçá de Odin/Wotan...

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