domingo, 20 de novembro de 2016

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"It is this idea of Universalism which is killing us-for the Jew knows very well that this Universalism is abusing our Nature in a very bad way. The Jewish end-goal for this planet is to create a single Goyim (Non-Jewish) Race-Mixed Race of people who will have the average IQ of 80, which is borderline retarded. They will have no culture, no history, no vision, no tradition, no Nation, no Roots – nothing. They will be “individuals”, automatons, soulless people who will be easily corruptible and will operate primarily on one single element : their own Ego and their own Success in the “New World Order”, where kissing the ass of Jews will be a divine thing. All of this, of course, is to be achieved by “love, tolerance, liberty, equality, diversity” and through a “universal brotherhood of men”.

Democracy is the first and primer tool of the destruction of a Nation – it splits its population into various lower key elements of ideologies and political parties. The Ethnic People of a Nation are therefore split and we instantly find ourselves within a political Arena instead of a Unified and Single minded Nation which has one single goal for its existence : to protect, serve and improve the people and their life. With Democracy this goal is immediately killed.

Slowly, but surely, Jews use various types of Liberal, Marxist and Social Justice propaganda which will create even more splits within the people : another such example is Feminism. Feminism not only destroyed the Family unit, but it also destroyed the Feminine aspect of the women.

Jews themselves, including their Masonic tool
Coudenhove-Kalergi, have said : The Lady has been destroyed. Now we must destroy the feminine Woman.

With such chaos in the society, the Jew suggests to import foreign low cost labor in order to “fix” the situation which they have created they don’t do this on a National level yet, no – they do it within their own companies, which by that point in time, have also become international and have gained control not only in the economic factor, but also in the political one. Suddenly the Nation is flooded by
non-ethnic people which will, slowly but surely, change the demographics of the Nation. This, yet again, suits the Jewish plan of not only Aryan genocide, but also their Parasitic and Viral Nature – as it makes sure that they remain hidden within the multicultural and diverse Nation which will soon be filled with so many chaotic problems and corruptions that pointing to the Jew as the Source of all problems will become impossible.

And the Jews will never stop or refuse to use any type or form of platform to further their agenda and propaganda.
They do it with the Media which they own. They do it with the Hollywood movie production which they own. They do it with the Educational system – which they own. The list goes on and on. There isn’t a single place for you in our current Jewish controlled Society which doesn’t attempt to remind you of how awful Aryan people are, how Racist, Bigoted, Nazi and Supremacist they are – and that they should really just kill themselves to solve “all the World’s problems”, namely all Jewish problems.

Every such Jewish source of propaganda will always begin with something for “free”, fun, critical and extremely
over-sexualized. It must involve these elements one way or the other in order to not only be attractive, but also to lure in a wide audience of people. And, as the Jewish destruction of the Society evolves – through degeneracy, pedophilia, bestiality, race-mixing, faggotry, transgenderism – so will the involvement of these people grow within these Jewish controlled sources of propaganda because they will label themselves as “a source that accepts anyone and anything”. They immediately create a “universal” place .

It shouldn’t surprise you therefore that Jews themselves have said : Democracy leads to Marxism-Socialism and Communism. Since everybody can vote – no matter how degenerate, retarded or no matter how much he actually hates the Nation he lives in – at a certain point in time these degenerates will be able to take over power. And they will wait, and wait, and wait – until the sane and healthy population is so low in Numbers that even the degenerates can take them out by force. This is how Islam spread itself. How Christianity spread itself. This is how modern day Marxism and Communism spreads itself, hidden as Liberalism and Democracy.

What you will also notice is that anything that the Jew says is regarded as : free speech. Anything that goes against the Jewish propaganda is called : hate speech.
-Axe of Perun

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