sábado, 5 de novembro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Taxi driver drag a young female passenger into his cab after dropping her off and trying to make her perform sex act on him

Taxi driver Zaharul Hoque, 47, took his victim home after a night out.
He grabbed her and tried to kiss her before forcing her back into the cab.
Victim told the court she feared she would be raped and 'end up in a ditch'.
Hoque, of Birmingham, was sentenced to three years in prison today.

The victim told Warwickshire Crown Court (pictured) how she feared she would be raped and 'end up in a ditch' when he tried to undo his belt in the vehicle

'He tried to give me a kiss and grabbed me by the head. He was just generally touching me. His hands were all over me.
'Next thing, he's just pushed me towards the taxi door, and the next thing I knew he's opened the door and I was inside and he was doing something with the doors.
'I was scared, I didn't know whether he was going to rape me. He started trying to undo his belt, and I was thinking I don't know if I'm going to end up in a ditch.'
Sobbing as she continued with her evidence, she added: 'I didn't know whether I was going to get out of there.'"

Notas pessoais:

Ah, e tal..."Integração" na sociedade e tal...
Porreiro pah!

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