terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Rapefugee Mohammed Maaz who just a few days before Christmas raped a 13 year old girl on a school toilet in Ostersund today sentenced to two months in prison and eight months' probation.

The now 19-year-old Syrian Mohammed Maaz (980104-6831), which is December 21 raped a 13 year old girl on a school toilet in Ostersund, arrived today by the judgment Östersund District Court dealt away with only two months in prison. When he has served time in prison following eight months' probation, which in practice means a life of freedom.This penalty is also embodied that he also was convicted of sexual abuse of children as he was Lucia had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl.The rape on school toilet in Wargentinskolan, which Jämtland Gymnasium named, was not about a voluntary intercourse then just called rape to sexual intercourse with a minor count as rape according to the Swedish legal system, but this was really a real rape where the perpetrator forced himself on the girl against her will. The deed had been counted as rape even if the girl had been older, as evidenced by both the prosecution and the judgment."

Notas pessoais:

Ficamos a perceber que numa democracia, grave grave grave, é cantar o hino nacional, ser nacionalista, falar verdade, ser politicamente incorrecto, ou acender uma tocha num estádio de futebol; já que há suecos nativos com penas muito mais pesadas.
Um não-nativo violou e traumatizou uma menor nativa para sempre, vai 2 mesitos para a prisão...
Porreiro pah!

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