terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Mass Arrest of Armed Refugee-Invaders in Vienna

Police in Austria arrested 22 Muslims from Chechnya, who were pretending to be refugees in Vienna, and seized a machine gun and two pistols in the process.

According to a report in the Krone newspaper, a large number of the fake refugees were noticed gathering in Vienna’s Floridsdorf district, late on Friday, February 3.

Local residents noticed the group on the city’s famous Danube Island, and alerted the police, who swooped on the crowd unexpectedly.

The large crowd immediately dispersed, and the police were only able to detain 22 of them.

On the spot, thrown down in the snow, police discovered the discarded weapons, along with a large knife.

All of the arrested are “refugees” from Chechnya, living off the welfare provided by the Austrian state."

Notas pessoais:

Numa democracia os cidadãos são obrigados a trabalhar para subsidiar terroristas.
Em primeiro lugar, os terroristas dos deputados democratas(judeus, cripto-judeus e lacaios dos judeus) que practicam variados tipos de terrorismo; terrorismo económico-financeiro(endividamento deliberado), terrorismo tecnológico(escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais) e terrorismo biológico(plano kalergi).
Em segundo lugar, os islâmicos.
Porreiro pah!

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