sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Recognition and exaltation of individuality (being the bearer of an individuality) are consubstantial with the Europe of forever, while most other great cultures ignore the individual and know only the group. The founding poems of the European tradition, the Iliad and the Odyssey, both exalt the individuality of heroes struggling with destiny. These poems have no equivalent in any other civilization. They sing the heroes in epic fashion (the Iliad is the first of the epics) and on that of the novel (the Odyssey is the first of all novels). By definition, heroes are the expression of a strong individuality. They are people in the Greek sense of the word. No of persons of birth (at birth, small individual is nothing, if not potential). Becoming a person is earned through continuous effort and self-training (giving oneself an inner form). Before having rights, the person first has duties towards himself, his lineage, his clan, his city, his ideal of life. The Europeans who carry the Greek heritage in them through atavism and cultural impregnation have received this legacy. It was subsequently distorted to become the exacerbated individualism of contemporary Western societies, a kind of hegemonic narcissism."
-Dominique Venner

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