segunda-feira, 20 de março de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"If you look at mass and popular culture, the heroic is still alive. It’s alive in junk films, in forms that our culture’s intellectuals disprivilege. Why is the heroic treated at that level? Because liberalism can’t deal with the heroic. It doesn’t have a space for it in its ideology, so it decants it.

Much of popular culture involves the celebration of men, iconographically in films and so on, who are authoritarian, who are hierarchical, who are elitist. How many cinema posters have you seen with a man alone with a gun staring into the distance? It’s the primordial American myth! These are men who think ‘fascistically’; and they fight against fascism! They fight against authoritarian ideas of what the west once was and can become again.

This is always the trick. They’ll use the ideology of the marine core to fight for a liberal, and a democratic purpose. That’s the trick! In every film, in every television program, in every novel, in everything that the masses consume that isn’t purely about sex or sport, the heroic is there, and they always fight for liberal causes!"
-Jonathan Bowden

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