sábado, 11 de março de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Schools In Greece to Replace Greek Tragedy Lessons with Gender Studies

Schools in Greece may be forced to abandon the teaching of classical Greek tragedy so they can make room for lessons on gender studies.
A plan being considered by the left-wing government in the cash-strapped nation could see literary works like Antigone thrown by the wayside.
The notoriously difficult texts could be pushed aside in favor of “gender equality, same-sex marriages and sex education”.
If passed, the move would be another blow to Classical scholarship, which is in retreat across much of the world.

Other seminal texts, like the historian Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War, have already been scrapped.

Greek students have an obvious advantage since ancient Athenian texts – dating to around 450BC – are similar enough to the modern language that they could be read as easily as an English speaker might approach Chaucer.
Elsewhere, studying Greek texts in the original is an increasingly elite discipline, mostly confined to Classics departments in elite universities.
Speaking to The Times, Antonis Mastrapas of the National Federation of Classical Studies Professors, said: “This is preposterous. Not even during Greece’s gruelling years of dictatorship were the works of ancient masters like Sophocles and Thucydides excluded from high school curriculums.”

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