domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Diseased organisms experience culture in a totally different way. Ideals are not experienced as challenges to stimulate and mobilize the life force. Rather, they are experienced as a threat, an insult, an external imposition, a thorn that hurts the flesh. The unhealthy organism wants to free itself from the tension created by ideals - which it experiences as nothing more than unreasonable expectations (disproved by the standards of an immanentized reason, a mere hedonistic calculation). The sick organism does not want to suppress and sublimate its natural desires. He wants to validate them as good enough and then express them. He wants to leave them with the rein loose, not braking them.Unfortunately, the decadents also have a Will to Power. In this way, they have succeeded in freeing themselves and their desires from the `tyranny´ of normative culture and instituting a decadent counterculture in its place. This is the real meaning of "postmodernism". Postmodernism substitutes participation for indifference, zeal for irony, earnestness for jocosity, fascination for emancipation. Such attitudes demythologize and defile the pantheon of numinous ideals that is the pulsating heart of a living culture.Culture, then, becomes a mere museum of wax: a realm of dead decontextualized ideas and artifacts. When a culture is eviscerated from the worldview that defines it, all integrity, the whole unity of style is lost. Cultural integrity gives way to multiculturalism, which is merely a pretentious way of describing a shopping mall where artifacts are bought and sold, mixed and combined to satisfy the emancipated desires of the consumer: a wax museum running to the rhythm of commerce."
-Greg Johnson

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