segunda-feira, 10 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"80% of Muslims support ISIS

A devastating poll has revealed massive support for ISIS among the millions of Muslims living in Britain.
The horrors and atrocities we think of as acts carried out by savage fanatics in war torn Iraq and Syria has an alarming level of backing from what politicians call ‘moderate British’ Muslims.
The shocking results came to light in a report published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) after extensive polling was carried out asking Muslims in Britain to rate their feelings for ISIS and the acts carried out by those religious fanatics.
It is almost beyond belief that the British Government could even conceive of the questions which they asked a random but sizable sample of Muslims – to rank countries and terror groups 1-10 depending on how “warmly and favourably” they felt towards them!
In a stunningly unconcerned and arrogant manner, as many as 80% of Muslims OPENLY and proudly claimed support for ISIS.

The most virulent support for Islamic terrorist mass murderers and mutilators was, unsurprisingly, found in the younger Muslims with up to 20% of the under 25s scoring a 10 for ISIS – rating the terror group maximum support, 10 out of 10, for their savagery.
Given that Britain has been colonised by Muslims who now make up 12% of the population, and 80% of them support ISIS – you do the maths!"

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