quarta-feira, 5 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Camper, 23, is dragged from her tent and raped in front of her boyfriend by machete-wielding attacker in Germany

Police in western Germany are searching for a man who is suspected of raping a young woman on a nature reserve after threatening her and her boyfriend with a machete.
The young couple were on a camping trip in the Siegaue Nature Reserve, north of the former German capital of Bonn when they were approached by a man at about 12.30am on Sunday.
The man had approached their tent holding a large knife - believed to be a machete - and threatened the couple before demanding the 23-year-old woman leave the tent with him, according to police.
He then raped the woman in front of the tent before running off in the direction of the Rhine River, police said.
The woman’s 26-year-old boyfriend, who had also been threatened by the man, contacted police and medical responders took her to the hospital."

(The kalergi's rapist)

Notas pessoais:

A culpa é decerto dos Nazis, e quiçá de Odin/Wotan...

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