domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Dutch Diversity utopia: Homosexuals attacked by Moroccan Muslim gang on 'Nelson Mandela Bridge'

One of four 16-year-old youths arrested on suspicion of attacking a gay couple in Arnhem at the weekend is going to make a formal complaint against his alleged victims.
Lawyer Gerald Roethof, who represents the teenager, told television show Pauw his client claims the fight happened after the couple acted aggressively towards the teenagers.
Roethof also denied a bolt cutter used in the attack and that the gang were all Dutch Moroccans. The sexual orientation of the couple was also irrelevant to the case, Roethof told the programme.
Roethof said his client, who admits punching one of the men in the mouth and loosening his teeth, has now asked the police to look for surveillance camera footage to show what happened
The police arrested a 14-year-old and a 20-year-old man shortly after the attack. The four other youths, aged 16, turned themselves into the police on Monday.
The attack on the gay couple led to a storm of protest in the Dutch media on Monday, with calls for men to walk hand in hand as a sign of solidarity.
A demonstration against anti-gay violence is set to take place in Arnhem on Saturday."

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