domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Migrants Who 'Fled War' Use Welfare to Holiday in Homelands

Migrants granted leave to remain in Switzerland on the basis that they risk death in their homelands are using welfare money to fund holidays back home, the Basler Zeitung reports.
The Swiss newspaper notes that thousands of migrants each year are heading to Eritrea for their holidays each year despite their having supposedly fled the northeast African nation in fear of their lives.

It typically costs around 599 Swiss Francs (£475) in January or 650 Swiss Francs (£516) in high season for a return journey to Eritrea according to the German language daily, which notes that taxpayer stipends to migrants must be quite `generous´ as the vast majority of Eritreans residing in Switzerland live on welfare.

In September Breitbart London reported that migrants granted asylum in Germany have been using welfare payments to holiday in the countries they fled, again supposedly in fear of their lives."

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