terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"You can never expect your fellow man to sacrifice for you if you are not willing to sacrifice for him. If you are not willing to go out into the streets in fear of losing your job then how can you expect any other man to? If you are not willing to sacrifice for the betterment of your people then how can you expect your people to sacrifice for you? You must be willing to sacrifice not only yourself but also others because what is the life of all the men you know compared to your people? This duty and this task we have inherited is bigger than all of us but only we can fulfill it. Pick up your fellow man when he is in need and he will return the favour. Fight for your people and your people will fight for you. Only if we act out of complete selflessness will we carry the torch they lit into victory."

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