terça-feira, 8 de agosto de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"'We're in urban warfare' Italy soldiers clash with migrants as locals 'fear for families'

THIS is the moment a group of migrants appears to confront Italian soldiers to try to stop them from detaining a man as tensions between residents and migrants reach breaking point.
A mob of illegal migrants(biological weapons) surrounded and attacked native soldiers who were doing a control check on another migrant. Sadly their mob tactic worked in preventing the native soldiers from completing their task. The migrant was dragged away by one of his peers.

This year more than 58,000 migrants have arrived in Italy

Lello Cretella, who posted the video, wrote: “Abandoned and betrayed! Episodes like these happen every day in our neighbourhood and everyone pretends not to see!
“We feel alone and abandoned... we fear for us and our families!”"

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