quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Muslim ‘Mediator’ Defends Gang Rape After Attack: ‘Enjoyed Like Normal Intercourse When Woman Calms’

Abid Jee wrote that rape was “a worse act, but only at the beginning, when the willy goes in, then the woman becomes calm and you enjoy it like normal intercourse”

The attack saw two 26-year-old Poles subjected to a “brutal and bestial” attack in the popular tourist destination on the Adriatic coast.

The male was struck on the head with a bottle and beaten unconscious before his girlfriend was repeatedly raped in front of him and thrown into the sea. Both were hospitalised following the attack, and the male will likely require facial surgery.

The case has caused alarm in Italy and considerable anger in Poland, which is sending its own investigators to help apprehend the suspects."

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