quarta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2017

Swedish Journalist taste the bitterness of reality

Joakim Magnus Lamotte is a Swedish journalist and columnist, who in recent years has primarily worked for the Göteborgsposten. He is also active online, publishing on his own blog until June 2015, moving to Facebook afterwards, where he keeps an active page (the original untranslated video can be seen here).
We link to his story, about a 12-year-old girl who was dragged into a restroom in the centre of Stenungsund, Sweden. The girl was threatened, beaten and raped. She and her mother reported the rape to the police, telling them exactly who the man was. Two months later, the police had still not interviewed the suspect, even though they were told his name and even where he lives.
Lamotte was contacted by the mother, who told him how she and her daughter are regularly confronted with this man on the streets of Stenungsund, and that he mocks them every time. The girl is devastated. Lamotte decided to call the police. He made a video of the call, asking if the police had already interviewed the suspect.
Commenting on this call, Lamotte writes:
The answer that I got to my question shocked me. It was a cry for help by police investigators, who told me that they don’t even have the time to research the rape of 3-year-old children. Watch and listen and share this as much as you can. Make sure every politician in Sweden sees this clip. People have to see with their own eyes, the way the rule of law in our country is dying!

Notas pessoais:

A culpa é dos NN...

Mas ao menos numa democracia, podem votar...

Os "fake media" de cá, entretanto já preparam a cassete...

"Pior do que este ataque, pior do que as milhares de mulheres nativas violadas, pior do que os carros e lojas incendiadas, pior do que as vítimas mortais do terrorismo, pior do que a desvalorização brutal das propriedades privadas dos nativos face ao novo ambiente de merda, pior do que as quebras de receitas no turismo, pior do que o absolutamente insustentável actual Estado
social-parasitário; é o facto de as pessoas se poderem vir a virar para o nacionalismo(genuíno)!"

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