quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Black teenager robs a couple in their home then forces them to drive him to an ATM before raping the woman and shooting dead a father in front of his children

Police have arrested a 16-year-old boy accused of kidnapping and robbing an elderly couple in Oklahoma, then fatally shooting a 44-year-old man at his home.
Tulsa Police Sgt. Dave Walker says the teenager forced the elderly couple to drive to an ATM and withdraw cash Sunday, then forced the couple back to their home where he sexually assaulted the woman.
Walker says the teen, identified as 16-year-old Deonte Green then ran to a nearby home, where a woman and her two daughters were in the garage and preparing to leave.

Police say the Green forced the woman and children back into the home, where he encountered and fatally shot the woman's 44-year-old husband, Broken Arrow Public Schools geography teacher Shane Anderson.
Police say Green kidnapped an elderly couple from their home and forced them to drive to an ATM and withdraw cash
'The husband fought with Green, and Green shot the husband,' Walker said in a news release. 'The husband continued to struggle with Green before collapsing inside the house.' 
Green sexually assaulted the woman during the robbery and robbed the couple of cash and a handgun. 
He then fled on foot away from the home where the killing took place. 
Geography teacher Shane Anderson was shot dead in front of his family including two daughters."

Notas pessoais:

É para isto que os judeus querem desarmar os Arianos nos EUA. Para que os idiotas úteis dos 'orcs' ao seu serviço; manipulados que foram(e que continuam a ser) por eles, possam mais facilmente genocidiar os filhos biológicos dos "Founding Fathers" dos EUA.

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