quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“In a famous passage of the Iliad (book XIII), the poet describes the Achaean phalanx: ‘They made a living fence, spear to spear, shield to shield, buckler to buckler, helmet to helmet, and man to man.’ — It is not only a foreshadowing of the hoplite order that we see here, but especially the expression of what is a solidary community where every member can rely on the others, where desertion of a single member would instantaneously annihilate the indivisible whole. There is no question of a ‘contract’ here, but mutual obligations inscribed in the founding pact of the clan, of the tribe, of the polis, and of the phalanx.”
—Dominique Venner

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