sábado, 4 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"How taxi driver and airport workers had secret plot to smuggle cocaine into Birmingham

Malik, 24, of Paignton Road, Edgbaston, and Vaughan Henry, 46, of Willsden, London, had previously been convicted of importing a controlled drug following a trial at Birmingham Crown Court
Four men including a taxi driver and two crooked baggage handlers have been jailed for their roles in a plot to take three kilos of cocaine to Birmingham.
Adnan Malik was about to drive to the city with the drugs, which had been smuggled through Heathrow, when officers from the National Crime Agency swooped.
Malik, 24, of Paignton Road, Edgbaston, and Vaughan Henry, 46, of Willsden, London, had previously been convicted of importing a controlled drug following a trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Grattan Samuels, 23, of Victoria Park, and Dev Anand, 24, from Slough, had previously admitted the same charge.
Samuels, who had also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to acquire a firearm, was sentenced to 16 years.
Henry was jailed for ten years and nine months while Malik was handed a nine year sentence.
Anand was sentenced to seven years and eight months.

Julia Faure Walker, prosecuting, said that Samuels had been the coordinator or broker between the baggage handlers and a man called Goldie, the drugs wholesaler in Birmingham.
Henry worked for BA , Anand was a team supervisor while Malik had been recruited by Goldie to collect the drugs from outside the airport.
She said that there had been a “dummy run” on October 15 last year when a bag was put on a flight which landed at Heathrow.

Miss Faure Walker said that from Whats App communications it appeared that a third baggage handler was involved.
Text messages sent by Malik to his girlfriend indicated he was expecting to be paid £1,000.
A rucksack, containing three blocks of cocaine with 80 per cent purity, was put on a flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 4 February arriving the following day at 1.23pm.

Notas pessoais:

O eterno triângulo maçônico de democracia+multiculturalismo+cartéis de droga.

As vítimas são sempre os goyim, cuja desgraça causada pelas drogas pesadas enriquecem o parasita/terrorista judeu.
É assim em Inglaterra, tal como é em Portugal.
(E não é por acaso a sabotagem económica de empresas de aviação como a TAP por exemplo; é que mesmo sendo pública, obvio que dá para fazer da mesma 'cordão umbilical' dos cartéis de droga internacionais; mas sendo privada e sem o controle do Estado, é muito mais fácil. É também para este tipo de subversão/terrorismo judaico em solo nacional, que certas privatizações se concretizam.)

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