quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"‘Enemy in our ranks’: German police trainer blasts immigrant recruits in leaked audio message

Arab mafia infiltrates German police

In a leaked recording from the Berlin Police Academy, a lecturer bemoaned the poor language skills, lack of respect, and disloyalty of ethnic Turks and Arabs who will form a sizeable part of the next generation of German police officers.
The audio message was recorded by a paramedic lecturer, who intended to pass it on to Berlin Police chief Klaus Kandt. It was subsequently circulated in private chats between officers on a messaging app last week, and has now been shared with RT. Police officials have previously confirmed that the recording is authentic to several German media, but have not disclosed the identity of the tape’s author.

In the voice message, the lecturer complains about a class of 16 and 17-year-old recruits, who are just beginning their vocational training.

“I’ve never experienced anything like this,” the trainer says on the minute-long recording. “The classroom looked like hell, half Arabs and Turks, disrespectful as hell. Stupid. Unable to speak articulately. I had been close to knocking out two or three of them because they only disturbed the class or literally slept. German colleagues have said that they were threatened with violence.”

About 1,200 students graduate from the academy in Spandau each year, most of whom proceed to join the Berlin police force, which already consists of 30 percent ethnic minorities. This number is expected to increase, reflecting demographic trends in Germany.

“These are not colleagues, that’s the enemy in our ranks,” the paramedic lecturer said in the message for Kandt, complaining that the recruits will produce “a second-rate police force that will only be corrupt.”

Notas pessoais:

Já não bastava a máfia judaica e/ou cripto-judaica e todos os seus LACAIOS dentro das polícias, e agora temos também a máfia Árabe em força.
Só mesmo numa merdocracia é que é possível acharem concebível NÃO-NATIVOS exercerem funções de Estado na área da segurança sobre a população nativa, como se tivessem um pingo de legitimidade para exercer tal autoridade.

Continuem a perseguir os NS a nível interno e a brincarem aos soldadinhos no Afeganistão e afins enquanto estão a perder em toda a linha dentro da própria 'casa'.
Um golpe militar NS Germânico ontem já era tarde...

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