sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Recent genetic studies show that the native Portuguese people - the Lusitanians - are not from mediterranean origin biologically.

A33B14-DR1 is found in Mediterraneans, but not in Basques or Portuguese, reflecting the relative lack of contact with Mediterraneans common to both Basques and Portuguese; these latter groups also share one of the highest frequencies of the Rh phenotype.
(A Lusitanian Celtic beauty)
(A Basque Celtic beauty)
(A Lusitanian Celtic beauty)
(A Lusitanian Celtic beauty)

Seeing the similarities? The beauty and the 'penetration' of the eyes - called the "snake eyes".

A25B18-DR15 is only found in Portugal among Europeans; it is also observed in Aryan North Americans and in Aryan Brazilians. It is probably a marker for the ancient Portuguese people in Europe and for people of Portuguese descent in America.
(A Lusitanian soldier)
(A Lusitanian soldier)
(A Lusitanian soldier)
(A Lusitanian soldier, an older picture)
(Viriato, the first leader of Lusitanians - never defeated in combat, only murdered by internal treason)

Seeing the similarities? The beauty and the 'penetration' of the eyes - called the "snake eyes".

A26-B38-DR13 is a specific Portuguese marker not found in any other part of the world, and it probably existed in the first western Iberians. Therefore, Portuguese is a relatively distinct population among Iberians according to our HLA data.

Native Portuguese people - the Lusitanians - have also maintained a certain degree of cultural and ethnic-specific characteristics since ancient times.

The Portuguese have a characteristic unique among world populations: a high frequency of HLA-A25-B18-DR15 and A26-B38-DR13, which may reflect a still detectable founder effect coming from ancient Portuguese.”
(King D. Sebastião - one of the most loved by the people, known by "Rei menino")
(Lusitanian soldier, ancient picture)
(Lusitanian soldier, modern picture)

Seeing the similarities? The beauty and the 'penetration' of the eyes - called the "snake eyes".

In other words, Portuguese native people are not of latin/mediterranean origin biologically speaking. They have UNIQUE bloodlines of specifically Celtic origin.

Having pride of your biological and ethnic identity IS NOT RACISM!
Love your race and ethnicity IS NOT RACISM!
Do not care, or worst, hating your own race and ethnicity, that's real racism;
Stop the madness of xenophilia!

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