terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Humans of our age are infected with a passive cynical worldview that signals a great decline in the fire of the spirit.
Sacred whores, talking heads and singing prostitutes, offer the alternative- a morphine drip of music and dance, that the citizen of Empire might chase the dragon of distraction and fall into fitful slumber. Caressed by the leprous hand of comfort, their aim for us is to work, consume and die- a mass of overweight American flesh and tax money that the ageless corporate cabals feed on like vampires until our unnoticed death.

This belief in nothing has become a fashion statement, a sort of hipster nihilism, signaling with the one hand their practiced cool emptiness, while the other preaches empathy for the brotherhood of man, just as false and rehearsed.

“I Stand With the Victims of Whatever Great Crisis Has Shown Up As Trending On Facebook This Week” tattoo, cognitive dissonance for the sake of popularity in a venomous peer group, always seeking to out-virtue the others, to care harder with their next Instagram post. Remaining on the cutting edge of what is “not okay” in order to form an ever tightening elite of the Most High, while preaching inclusiveness and equality of all.

We must stand against this, wolves of the Kali Yuga!

Bite the hand that seeks to lull us to sleep, rage against passivity and false virtue. We must recreate the warrior caste, knowing that the external war is fought second. Our primary directive is a battle against ourselves, our base desires and the weakness of our “Thrall mind.”

We must be rooted in ritual and gaze on the world around us through the eyes of one who sees the world as a living mythology, in which the parts we play are retellings of the stories of the Gods.

Instead of an over-indulgence in drugs, alcohol, entertainment and other distractions, we must sharpen our minds to razor edge, and build our physical forms into temples- living representatives of a vital and savage paganism that recognizes iron and blood as holy sacrament!"

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