segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Andriy Biletsky at the National Guards’ inauguration: these guys care about the fate of their country

January 28, activists of National Guards took the solemn oath of allegiance timed to the first anniversary of the organization’s creation.

National Guards started their march at the Independence Square. From the center of the capital of Ukraine, over 600 representatives of the organization proceeded under their banners through the main streets of the city to the Kyiv fortress of Kosy Kaponir where they took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people.

At the Kosy Kaponir forterss, the banners of National Guards were sanctified with the signet of King Sviatoslav the Brave.

The ceremony was conducted by the first commander of the Azov regiment and the leader of the National Corps party Andriy Biletsky.

“Today, here gathered those who are not indifferent to the destiny of their own country and the troubles of their people. Here stand young guys who are ready to sacrifice time, health, their own welfare for the sake of the common good,” he said during a ceremony.

Biletsky noted that the activists of the organization go out every day to patroll the streets of Ukrainian cities and fight the drug trafficking and the alcoholic genocide of the Ukrainian people, “although many consider them weirdos.”

Andriy Biletsky expressed his belief that only those who are ready to unite, fight and sacrifice for the common good are capable of “creating a great movement, great countries and peoples.”
“Homeland is not a territory but deeds and efforts that are invested in it. I hope that your efforts, struggles and feats will forge the future great Ukraine envisaged by many generations before,” said the leader of National Corps."

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