quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Wrath of the Gods

Man’s desire for power over his fellow man and the material world is a story whose beginnings are lost in the primal mists of time. The all too human lust for domination and control has been the cause of untold death, misery and turmoil. Never has existence on earth been more violent and perilous than at this present era in time. Never has global annihilation been more imminent. In addition, the times have changed and technology has changed, but man has not. Man has become apathetic and estranged, not only from Nature and his own kith and kin, but from spirituality as well. The orthodox Christian churches of the world have failed miserably in the 2,000 year attempt to bring peace on earth and good will among mankind and they know it.

The decline of essential spiritual and cultural values which are the cornerstone of any wholesome individual, family and ethnic nation, coupled with man’s blatant disregard for Nature have been the paramount cause of our present world decay and open the doors to all the negative forces possessed in the mind of man. These unrestrained forces feed upon themselves until they exact total dominion upon the world in which we live.

Most of man’s problems are a result of his greed and lust for power, a lesson he has yet to learn. Only a naive fool would argue that this is not so. The further we turn from nature’s laws, the deeper mankind slides into the abyss of despair. If for any reason the material world gains predominance over the soul, the result can only be strife, discord and ultimately self destruction. Man turns downward when the doors upward have been closed in his face. As the ancient mysteries clearly state, “Every natural law transgressed or wrongly applied must have its effect upon the wrong doer.” It is a matter of cause and effect, and man must constantly strive to keep a balance between the spiritual and the material—- bridging the gap which exists between those two opposites, so that he can attain the knowledge of how to control natures divine laws for the common good, and not merely for the sake of one’s own
self-serving benefits.

Today’s world is not governed by royal elect, philosopher kings, heroic leaders or spiritual wise men, but by gangster governments and avaricious self-appointed Power Elite controllers. For the most part such ambitious controllers are driven by wealth, material gains and positions of power, and will not stop short of anything to achieve such voracious all consuming desires. This is not to propose that all wealthy people are bad and that the poor and working class are the good guys. A simple study of the history of mankind clearly demonstrates that active evil comes in all sizes, shapes, races and classes. The important thing is that we do not become controlled by those who have clearly divorced themselves from the path of Right Life and the Light of higher being.

Socrates believed that each man must discover, through his own inward realization united with the outward testimonies of experience, the goal to which he is meant to aspire. Without goal, action is meaningless, and all effort comparatively wasted. Not only must human beings have goals, but nations, races and civilizations must have high destinies toward which they aspire. Failure of this larger vision results inevitably in the collapse of empire and nation. Should we wonder why the nations and world in which we live are in such a state of apparent hopelessness and chaos? The reason is not far to seek and should be clearly self evident. Without the unity of a people there is no vision and without vision there can be no future. A nation of conflicting ethnic cultures is a sure recipe for absolute disaster!

The falsely asserted orthodox priesthoods of the Western world have failed to paint Nature’s picture so that all men can rightly admire and respect it and understand its miraculous qualities. They have brought about a scornful outlook of nature painting it with a warped unnatural brush of sin to the total exclusion of the beautiful. To convolute the concept even further many preach universalism, condone homosexuality, celibacy, miscegenation and feminism. Through the ages they have shamefully committed hideous crimes in the name of their religion.

Had the Aryan tribes of Europe retained their nature-based ethnic spiritualism and the unbroken guidance of the divine truths therein, we would not be faced with the rampant world disintegration and genocide of national sovereignty that we suffer today. Each person born upon this planet is spiritually responsible for himself, and if he can raise himself to the realization of a higher consciousness he is then in a position to guide others from the imminent doom of the unenlightened.

However man can do nothing until he first awakens. When mankind separates himself from the Cosmos, Nature and Divinity, he not only loses balance with his higher self, but ultimately he becomes a parasitic cancer upon the earth.

It is no good cursing God or the Gods for our failures; we must realize that most of the responsibility in the world of man is in his own hands.
It is impossible for man to achieve a true form of justice until he can do this, because all his actions devoid of spirituality are prompted by his selfish instincts and flawed ambitions. Men of themselves are not bad, but may be conditioned out of their intrinsic integrity by the pressure of wrong environment. For the man of stronger substance this is not a factor, for he knows that no matter where he is, he must always remain what and who he is. No man need perform destructive actions because others do.

It is not necessary to conform with the insane mass stupidity of one’s time.
To dare to achieve your highest personal potential in the presence of false traditions definitely demands a high degree of individual fortitude, yet to do one ounce less is to live a lie, which is impossible for the wise and noble man of integrity and substance."
-Ron McVan

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