quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Kadian Noble: Oprah Winfrey ‘Pimped Me Like A Whore’ To Weinstein

Following Oprah’s deeply hypocritical speech on Sunday night at the Golden Globes, a report about how actress Kadian Noble was raped by Weinstein after being coerced by Oprah to go back to his hotel room has gone mostly ignored by the mainstream media.
Thegatewaypundit.com reports: In a largely ignored report from Page Six, actress Kadian Noble came forth with shocking accusations.

Noble claims that when she first met Weinstein at an event in London, she was overtly impressed because he was partying with model Naomi Campbell and had Oprah “swinging off his arm”. Noble recalled:
"I thought, obviously, this man has something amazing in store for me…"

Noble is the most recent in a long list of actresses and models who claim Harvey Weinstein either forced himself on them or coerced them into sex.
After meeting Weinstein for the first time in London, Noble brought along her “show reel” to his hotel room when she met up with him again in Cannes in February 2014. During their second meeting, Noble alleges Weinstein used promises of career advancement to lure Noble to his hotel room, where he forced himself on her.

Instead of watching Noble’s reel, Weinstein allegedly began to touch her whilst discussing getting her connected with a modeling agency in London.
The indecency ended in the bathroom where Weinstein allegedly made Noble perform sex acts in front of the mirror.
Noble blames Weinstein for destroying her acting dreams and notes that he failed to help with her career as he had promised.
Bigger and bigger names keep dripping out, now with Oprah accused in the fray of Weinstein’s indecent behavior…"

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