quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Suspected hand grenade attack on police station in Malmo, Sweden
A loud bang has been heard at the police station in the Swedish city of Malmo. The explosion was caused by a hand grenade, according to news reports.
"The place is locked off and the bombing group is on its way," police spokeswoman Anna Goransson was quoted as saying by Aftonbladet.
The alleged attack happened shortly after 9pm local time in the courtyard of the police station. "Fortunately, no people have been injured, but cars, I cannot say how many, have been damaged," Goransson told reporters.
Authorities have yet to confirm what caused the explosion, but local media are reporting that a hand grenade was used.

As the investigation gets underway, local media and authorities have sketched possible connections with a recent spate of attacks on police stations in Sweden. On December 29, a police car was destroyed outside a police station in Malmo. In October, a powerful explosion outside the police station in Helsingborg also caused significant material damage."

Notas pessoais:

De quem é a culpa?
A) De Odin.
B) Das hordas kalergianas, mas sobretudo dos responsáveis pela sua vinda - os políticos democratas.
C) Do Nordfront que é o único movimento leal à Nação e com capacidade de salvar a Suécia.

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