quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Previously Deported Child Molester Re-Arrested In Califórnia

CALEXICO, CA (KESQ) – Saturday evening, agents arrested Guatemalan resident Luciano Pablo-Martin, 48, near downtown Calexico after he tried to make an illegal entry into the United States.

Records checks on Pablo revealed he was previously deported from the U.S. on February 13, 2004. Agents also discovered that Pablo had been arrested by the San Diego Sheriff’s Department for lewd acts with a child under 14 twice, on November 14, 2003, and again on June 9, 2014.

Pablo was convicted and sentenced to separate prison terms on each conviction.
“Here we have a case of an illegal alien who was convicted of a heinous crime against a minor, not once but two times,” said Assistant Chief Patrol Agent David S. Kim. "This subject preyed upon one of the most vulnerable segments of our communities, our youth."

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